Different Types of Social Media MarketingDifferent Types of Social Media Marketing

September 30, 2024

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Ah, social media—where cat videos go viral, memes reign supreme, and everyone’s suddenly a “guru.” But let’s be real, regarding social media marketing, it’s not all likes, shares, and emoji-laden captions. Nope, it’s a battlefield out there, and without a strategy, your brand might end up as just another voice lost in the digital abyss.

At Frame Makerzzz, we’re all about turning your brand into the next social media sensation (minus the awkward dance challenges—unless that’s your thing, of course). With 4.9 billion active users scrolling their thumbs off daily, you’re invisible if your business isn’t on social media. But here’s the catch—not all social media marketing is created equal.

So buckle up, grab your favourite snack, and let’s discuss the types of social media marketing that’ll take your brand from “meh” to “OMG, where did this come from”?! 

  1. Influencer Marketing: 

The modern word-of-mouth

We all prefer to believe public recommendations made by those we follow than those pesky ads we see every five minutes, don’t we? This is basically what influencer marketing represents. 61% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers over branded content

At Frame Makerzzz, we help brands find the right influencers (not just anyone with a selfie stick and 10k followers) to spread the word: big names or micro-influencers, depending on your market. Whether you’re selling shampoo or software, we’ll find you the right influencers to make your brand seem like the trustworthy one and make you visible as hell.


Need a reminder of the Daniel Wellington influencer marketing campaign? Affordable luxury watch brand Daniel Wellington amassed a global Instagram following by partnering with fashion influencers. Influencers posted photos with the hashtag #DanielWellington, generating awareness and making the brand a global Instagram hit. The campaign was such a success that Daniel Wellington sold 1 million watches in just a few years.


  • Increased trust and credibility 
  • Boosted engagement rates (hint: humans love following humans 

Also check:-Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages

  1. Content Marketing: 

Content is still king, but engagement is the kingdom.

It’s 2024, if your brand isn’t putting out solid content then, well, what are you even doing? Creating quality content that doesn’t look like a standard Instagram shoutout is hard. But not to worry: Frame Makerzzz is here to create for you: informative blogs, trendy videos and infographics that’ll stop a thumb in its tracks. Did you know that 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement and leads

Types of content we deliver: 

  • Snappy blogs with SEO magic
  • Engaging videos (explainer, product demos, you name it!)
  • Eye-popping infographics


When Coca-Cola launched its ‘Share a Coke’ campaign, it invited people to create and share content with their personalised Coke bottles. The campaign generated more than half a million social-media photos and deepened user engagement with the brand. This is the power of branded content – giving the user a real and relevant place in your narrative.


  • Builds authority and trust
  • Increases organic reach and engagement 
  1. Social Media Advertising: 

You have to pay for play sometimes. 

Organic reach is fine, but when you want to really make an impact, social media advertising is where it comes in. With over 3.8 billion people using social media every day, paid ads offer a guaranteed way to reach your audience, and we mean the exact people who desire or require your product. And the icing on the cake? It’s measurable, configurable and extensible. 

We at Frame Makerzzz are masters at building a killer ad campaign. We segment your customers by location, age, interest, behaviour—you name it. Oh, did you know that social media advertising spending will hit a jaw-dropping $268 billion by 2026? Yeah, that’s no pocket change. 


When Airbnb needed more brand awareness and bookings, it used Facebook Ads. By using dynamic ads, they showed users specific listings they had already searched for on the Airbnb website. Airbnb increased its ad reach by 238% and reduced its cost per conversion by 47%. The campaign caused a spike in web traffic and bookings, demonstrating the efficacy of targeted, well-designed social media campaigns. 


  • Laser-focused targeting 
  • Instant visibility 

You know the results (with our analytics spreadsheets, of course) 

  1. Community Management: 

Turning fans into a brand family

You know those brands that answer every comment, start conversations and slide into your DMs with killer replies? That’s all part of community management, and you can bet your bottom dollar that it works. 54% of consumers say they’re more likely to support a brand engaging with them on social media.

Frame Makerzzz is a pro at building and managing brand communities. We don’t just post and ghost. We engage. We respond. We listen. Whether it’s handling queries, comments, or complaints, our community management team makes sure your audience feels heard and valued.


Nike’s Twitter community management is now the stuff of legends: their Twitter account often replies to customer complaints, sends goofy jokes to customers, and heaps praise on customers. Their engagement has gained them millions of devoted followers and a strong brand identity.


  • Builds strong brand loyalty
  • Increases customer satisfaction
  • Humanizes your brand (because no one likes robots in the comments).  
  1. User-Generated Content (UGC): 

Let your fans do the talking.

User-generated content is a treasure trove for marketers. Why? Because people trust people more than they trust brands. As many as 79% of people report that UGC strongly influences their purchasing decisions, and a post, a TikTok or a Twitter shoutout are all free marketing forms that add authenticity.

At Frame Makerzzz, we encourage brands to do this through UGC campaigns, such as running a photo contest or hashtag challenge or sharing customer testimonials on the feed. As your audience starts to feel like they are part of your brand, they’ll be more likely to stick around and share their experiences with others.


Starbucks did this quite well with its annual Red Cup Contest, asking users to post photos of their holiday-themed red cups via the #RedCupContest hashtag. The campaign results in tens of thousands of UGC posts each year and allows Starbucks to harness its customers’ enthusiasm for the holidays to increase brand exposure.


  • Free content 
  • Builds trust and authenticity
  • Encourages community involvement 
  1. Social Media Analytics: 

Because if you’re not measuring, are you even marketing?

Okay, you’ve posted a hundred times, but how do you know it’s working? This is where social media analytics comes in. 72% of companies use social data to improve performance, so we’re super-analytical about it at Frame Makerzzz. We don’t just send it out into the void; we track our social media results with metrics such as reach, engagement and conversions to see what’s working and needs improvement.

With reports from Facebook Insights and Google Analytics that are easy to understand and take action on, we ensure your strategy is on the right track. It’s all about optimization, baby. 


For example, Spotify’s Wrapped Campaign. Using social media analytics, Spotify creates personalised reports that show users their listening habits for the year and get them to share their Wrapped results with friends and family. Through the clever use of data, Spotify gets users to do some of its work for it, increasing engagement and growing its user base year over year.


  • Data-driven decisions
  • Maximized ROI 
  • Improved strategy over time 


At the end of the day, social media marketing isn’t just about posting cute pictures of your product (although that helps too!). It’s about engaging with your audience, creating content they want to see, and making them feel part of your brand’s journey. With so many avenues to explore—from influencer partnerships to UGC to killer ad campaigns—social media marketing can feel like a wild ride.

But guess what? You don’t have to figure it out alone. At Frame Makerzzz, we turn social media chaos into a well-oiled marketing machine. Whether you’re looking to build a brand community, launch an influencer-led campaign, or dive into data-driven strategies, we’ve got the tools, the experience, and the creative flair to make your brand shine.

Why settle for “being on social media” when you could dominate it? Let’s take your brand from meh to magnificent. Drop us a line at Frame Makerzzz, and together, we’ll make your social media the talk of the town (or, you know, the internet).

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With over eight years of experience as a director of operations in the media and entertainment industry and overall experience of 16 years , I have developed and executed effective strategies to optimize teams and businesses . I have a strong background in managing diverse teams, projects, and budgets, as well as implementing innovative technologies and solutions to enhance quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

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