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June 24, 2024

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Video content has flourished in the digital world, and with that comes the importance of learning about different types of video patterns. Only after getting familiar with the ample number of video patterns will you be able to figure out which pattern will yield the desired results.

Among many widespread video types, two common names that strike everyone are corporate video and commercial video. The fact that these two share some similarities shouldn’t deprive you of the knowledge that they cater to different purposes. There is a major difference between corporate video and commercial video. Understanding both the terms is very necessary to ensure which videos to use and where.

Understanding Corporate Video

As the name suggests, videos designed for corporate purposes to support the external and internal communication strategy are known as corporate videos. The purpose of this video is to cater to presentation and training purposes and focus on a product in terms of B2B clients.

Key Highlights of Corporate Videos 

The following are some of the key highlights of corporate videos:

  1. In terms of target audience, corporate videos are primarily aimed at specific groups such as business partners, employees, and stakeholders.
  2. Corporate videos prioritize ensuring that a particular audience, mainly employees, are rightly educated and cover topics like client testimonials, company updates, and such.
  3. In terms of tone, corporate videos mainly focus on a professional tone, ensuring that clear communication is exercised throughout the video.
  4. The corporate videos are shared either internally or through specific private channels, such as private hosting platforms and email campaigns.

Advantages of Corporate Videos

The advantages of corporate videos are as follows:

  1. Corporate video has the potential to shape the perception of the brand.
  2. When created correctly, it can be proved as a solid investment.
  3. It can cater to multiple purposes, one of which is educating about the brand.
  4. Displaying the culture and values of the company can be done efficiently through corporate videos, as it will feature your team in the video. Furthermore, corporate videos can be used to share the company’s mission and goals.
  5. Viewers learn the best when the concept is visually displayed, and this is done through corporate videos as it helps simplify complex concepts with understandable visual images.

Disadvantages of Corporate Videos

The disadvantages of corporate videos are as follows:

  1. Corporate videos don’t go directly to the marketing purpose as they are a small portion of a bigger strategy.
  2. Corporate videos need to be stagnant with branding. 

Understanding Commercial Video

Commercial videos are made to promote a specific service or product. The whole point of the commercial video is to increase brand awareness to the fullest extent so that the company can gain new leads that are converted into sales when they make a new purchase.

In current times, one can see commercial videos more on YouTube videos than on traditional television. There are many creative ways of introducing a commercial video; however, the end line of all commercial videos is to convince the customer.

Key Highlights of Commercial Videos 

The following are some of the key highlights of commercial videos:

  1. Commercial Videos mainly target a large part of the audience as opposed to a specific part. This is because the motive is to reach as many people as possible to increase sales.
  2. Advertising is the main purpose of the commercial video so that the viewers can be convinced to buy the product so that they can reap the benefits of the same. Some common examples of commercial videos are videos depicting promotional campaigns, demos, or sometimes even brand stories.
  3. Commercial videos mainly focus on exercising a conventional and engaged tone throughout the video so that the viewers can relate to the video. Some of the common examples are high-quality visuals, improved sound designs, and more. 
  4. Commercial videos are mainly shared across various platforms irrespective of whether it is a personal platform or a public platform. The common examples of commercial videos are cinema, television, social media, and more.

Advantages of Commercial Video

The advantages of commercial videos are as follows:

  1. If the commercial video is crafted well, then it can actively increase brand awareness, hence falling on the positive side.
  2. With an effective commercial video, you can convince people so that they can buy your product or service.
  3. As per reports, consumers are more inclined to get video content to understand in a better way. Furthermore, commercial video is known to increase conversion rates rapidly.
  4. Proper and effective commercial videos help the audience to build trust in the brand. This further promotes customer retention and hence is good for the company in terms of commercial videos.

Disadvantages of Commercial Video

The disadvantages of commercial videos are as follows:

  1. For this story of content, you are often required to pay for the view, which falls on the negative aspect of the video.

Difference Between Corporate Videos and Commercial Videos

One key difference between corporate video and commercial video is the purpose that both videos serve. This is where corporate videos are designed in such a way that the viewers are informed about the company or a product in a professional tone. The whole motive of the corporate videos is to build significant trust with the brand.

On the other hand, commercial video is designed in a way to convince the potential viewers so that they can push themselves to make the purchase which will hence lead them to make a purchase. The whole motive of commercial video is to build and strengthen an emotional connection with the viewers with the help of entertainment humour or sometimes even both.

Furthermore, another key difference between corporate video and commercial video is that commercial videos can be used to cater to multiple purposes and niches. However, that is not the case with commercial videos, as they are designed for training, brand identity, and public engagement.

Key Difference Between Corporate Videos and Commercial Videos 

The following are some of the key differences between corporate video and commercial video:

1. Content

In terms of corporate video vs. commercial video, the corporate video is mainly focused on providing industry-depth information so that the audience can be well-educated about the company. On the other hand, commercial videos are primarily focused on building a strong brand reputation among the viewers.

2. Duration and Format 

Corporate videos are mainly lengthy and provide a comprehensive analysis of the concept. On the other hand, commercial videos are primarily focused on creating engaging and creative formats so that the audience is hooked to the video and gets an easy understanding of the concept.

3. Personalization

In corporate video vs. commercial video,  the content is often tailored as per the industry, simultaneously addressing the key points. In the case of commercial videos, they are personalized in such a way that the video can connect with a wide consumer base by pinpointing creativity and emotions.

4. Call to action

In corporate videos, the call to action usually encourages further exploration and consultation and ensures a peaceful ecosystem within the B2B world. Whereas, in commercial videos, a call to action mainly pushes customers to make a purchase, sign up, and engage with the brand.

Wrapping Up!

Now that you have a fair understanding of corporate video and commercial video, you can understand which types of videos align with your goals and objectives. In short terms, corporate videos are designed specifically for both the internal and external needs of the company, whereas, on the other hand, they are solely focused on promoting a product or service to a mass audience that will promote their sales. From corporate video and commercial video, you need to make a wise decision as to which video may suit your goal.

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Written by

Jayant Batra, Founder and Director of Framemakerzzz, the innovative animation and video production studio. He loves animation at heart, he has the expertise and experience of over 12 years in creating eye-appealing explainer videos. Beyond the world of animation, Jayant is an avid explorer, traversing vivid and new places. He enjoys blending his passion for innovation with the latest advancements in tech.

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