Digital vs. Social Media Marketing

October 4, 2024

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Do you ever feel that marketing jargon is like a foreign language? You’ve got digital marketing on one hand, social media marketing on the other—and somehow they’re different, but also the same? Confusing, right? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with a fun, simple breakdown, Frame Makerzzz style. By the end of this, you’ll be able to tell the difference like a pro—and even better, you’ll know how to use them both to your advantage!

Digital Marketing: The Jack of All Trades: 

Think of digital marketing as the multitasker friend who’s good at everything. Whether you need SEO, PPC, or email marketing, this strategy has your back. It’s like the godfather of online marketing—a jack-of-all-trades that helps businesses grow across the web. From boosting traffic to nurturing leads, digital marketing plays the long game.

Tools in the Digital Marketing Arsenal: 


  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): The art of convincing Google to love your website. It’s like the digital equivalent of wooing your crush—only with keywords.


  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ads: Those annoying but effective ads you see everywhere—yes, even when you’re just trying to watch cat videos on YouTube.


  • Email Marketing: Sliding into inboxes (professionally, of course) with offers that nobody can resist.


  • Content Marketing: Writing blogs like this one to win hearts (and clicks!). Engaging your audience with content builds trust, and trust leads to conversions.


  • Affiliate Marketing: You partner up with bloggers, influencers, and companies to sell your product or service. 


The idea of digital marketing is to create relationships that endure. This is not about quick results; not about creating leads and then trying to push the sale. 

Also Read: – Different Types of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing: The Social Butterfly 

Social media marketing is all about hanging out where your audience already is (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok—you name it). It’s the chatty, fun cousin of digital marketing that thrives on real-time engagement. Think of it as throwing a virtual party where everyone’s invited—and the best part is, you control the playlist!

What Makes Social Media Marketing Special?  

  • Engagement: It’s all about comments, shares, likes, and DMs. The more interaction, the better! It’s the fastest way to hear what your audience thinks about your brand.


  • Brand Awareness: Want to show off your latest ad film? Social media’s the place to go viral. Think Apple’s #ShotoniPhone campaign or Nike’s Just Do It—the power of social.


  • Customer Loyalty: Turn your followers into superfans by sharing content they like. Social media gives you multiple platforms to connect with your audience every day, keeping your brand top-of-mind. 


  • Targeted Ads: Instagram knows what you’ve been shopping for (creepy but effective). You can target specific demographics based on age, interests, location, and more, for hyper-focused campaigns.


Social media marketing is the perfect extroverted cousin who gets the joke in a meme and knows exactly how to turn small talk into deep discussion. Social media marketing is fast, hip, modern, and ever-changing. 

Digital Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing: 

 Let’s compare both side by side. On one side, we have digital marketing—the ultimate strategist. And in the other corner, social media marketing—the quick-thinking crowd-pleaser. Let’s break it down in a way that actually makes sense: 

  • Digital Marketing: The Big Cheese 

  • Covers all online platforms—SEO, email, blogs, and paid ads.
  • Takes time but gives long-lasting results.
  • Great for building authority over time, like ranking #1 on Google. 


  • Social Media Marketing: The Social Butterfly 

  • Focuses purely on social channels like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok.
  • Instant gratification. You can go viral overnight—if you play your cards right.
  • Perfect for creating buzz and interacting directly with your audience. 


  • Engagement Factor: Who Talks the Most? 

Digital Marketing: 


  • More one-sided, like a lecture. You put out content, people consume it. But interaction is limited. 

Social Media Marketing: 


  • It’s like having a two-way conversation. Your audience is talking back, and if you’re lucky, they’re spreading the word too! Likes, shares, comments, hashtags—this is where your brand becomes a conversation.


  • Cost: Who Breaks the Bank? 

Digital Marketing:

  • SEO is basically free once it’s set up, but it takes time to see results. PPC can get expensive, especially in competitive markets. Think of it like slow-cooked food—it’s worth it, but it takes time and effort.

Social Media Marketing:

  • Organic reach is great, but if you want to make a splash, paid ads are the way to go. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok ads allow you to start small, and as your campaign works, you can increase the budget. It’s flexible but can get costly if you’re aiming for maximum impact.

Real-Life Examples: Putting It into Perspective 


Truth is, sometimes nothing sticks like a real-life example: let’s look at the magic of digital and social media marketing in action. 

Digital Marketing Superstar: The Coca-Cola “Share a Coke” Campaign 


In 2014, Coca-Cola mastered the personalization of products with its ‘Share a Coke’ campaign. The company swapped their standard ‘Coca-Cola’ logo to popular personal names on cans and bottles inviting buyers to ‘share a Coke’ with friends and family.  Built on a combination of digital silos – search engine optimization (SEO), email, and pay-per-click (PPC) digital, people were invited to virtually design bottles with their names. Coca-Cola dug into its digital toolkit – placing the campaign everywhere from Google to personalized email offers.


The results? A 7% increase in U.S. sales and a global boost in Coke consumption by 2%. Not bad for a campaign built on a first-name basis!

Social Media Marketing Superstar: Wendy’s Twitter Sass


Ever heard of Wendy’s on Twitter? If not, where have you been? The social media team at Wendy’s has a reputation for roasting the competition – and even some of its followers (in a fun way, of course). They took Twitter by storm with playful jabs at its rival McDonald’s over the use of frozen beef that spawned so many retweets it became part of pop culture. The brand’s feisty replies, real-time honing, and public campaigns such as #NationalRoastDay, where the burger joint ‘roasts’ anybody who asks for it.


What’s the lesson? Wendy’s Twitter is about selling personality, not burgers – and that’s how you win on social media. 

Also Read: – Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing 

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Let’s Look at the Stats 


Don’t just take our word for it—here are some hard-hitting facts to prove why digital and social media marketing are must-haves for your brand:


  • Global digital ad spending is set to cross $645 billion by 2024 – a whole lotta cash to promote a product online. 


  • Social media is catching up, with ad spending forecast to rise to $207 billion by 2023. And plenty of sponsored posts and targeted ads coming our way. 


  • Now we have 4.9 billion people online, and almost 4.7 billion of them active on social media. That’s almost all the people on the internet, interacting with social media. 


  • 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend it to their friends. People trust people and social media are where those people are. 

Frame Makerzzz Pro Tip: Mix Your Marketing Cocktail 


Now that you know the difference, here’s how you can mix things up for maximum effect:


  • Go Big on Video: Did you know 91% of consumers are more interested in brands delivering more video content? Time to take advantage of explainer videos, company promotions, and yes – those fancy 3D graphics we know how to create. 


  • Sell Like a Blowfish: Use digital marketing to generate leads and social media to perpetuate the conversation. Take our word for it; it’s the winning combination. 


  • Review & Adjust: Check to see what’s working. From your email open rates to your TikTok activity, analytics will help you win this game. 

Conclusion: The Optimal Matches


Digital marketing is your strategic roadmap that creates a long-term foundation, while social media marketing gives you instant action. We like to do a hybrid with both methods to push your brand’s voice at Frame Makerzzz. Why settle for one when you can have them both?

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With over eight years of experience as a director of operations in the media and entertainment industry and overall experience of 16 years , I have developed and executed effective strategies to optimize teams and businesses . I have a strong background in managing diverse teams, projects, and budgets, as well as implementing innovative technologies and solutions to enhance quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

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