The Types Of Corporate Videos

August 2, 2024

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Corporate videos can potentially make corporate communication a whole lot more interesting. With video content expected to account for 84% of all internet traffic by 2024, businesses must recognize the impact of compelling visual storytelling. We know video’s value at Frame Makerzzz, one of Mumbai’s leading video production companies. Corporate videos can be differentiated based on two things; firstly by their primary method of production and secondly by their use. So, let’s look at the types of corporate videos based on their primary method of production:

Stock Footage-Based Corporate Video: 

Corporate videos created from stock footage are the most cost-efficient way that a business can give a polished and professional video appearance without the necessity for an expensive shoot. As a result, they are often created quickly. Using stock footage can reduce production costs by up to 50%, making it a smart choice for many businesses.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes high-quality stock footage to create visually appealing content.
  • Combines multiple clips to tell a cohesive story about the company.
  • Ideal for budget-conscious projects or tight deadlines. 


Live-Action Corporate Video: 

Live-action corporate videos shot by real people at real locations with actual products are sometimes preferable to those shot in a studio. Examples can include interviews, office tours, or live-action demonstrations. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. Live-action videos are powerful for making a lasting impression. 

Key Features:

  • Uses real people and settings to create authentic and engaging content.
  • Showcases actual products, services, or events.
  • Builds trust and credibility by presenting real experiences. 

Animation-Based Corporate Videos: 

Animation-based corporate videos use animated characters, graphics, and illustrations to give a message. They are perfect for explaining complex ideas simply and engagingly. Animated explainer videos increase conversion rates by 20%. Animation is a fun and effective way to engage your audience.

Key Features:

  • Uses creative animations to make complex concepts easy to understand.
  • Offers endless possibilities for creativity and visual storytelling.
  • Ideal for tech companies, educational content, or any business needing to simplify intricate information.

Well, now let’s look at the various types of corporate videos based on their use: 

Company Profile Video:

A company profile video is a short yet impactful overview of a business that outlines a company’s history, mission, values, and key offerings. It is a visual summary of the company that introduces the organization to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders. Companies with strong employer brands report that they receive 50% more qualified applicants. Having a compelling company video profile is a powerful tool to attract top talent.

Key Features:

  • Introduces the company’s history, including its founding date, major milestones, mission, future vision, and core values.
  • Shows key products or services and company policies.
  • Includes testimonials or interviews with key team members to show the company’s expertise and credibility.

Explainer Video:

Explainer videos are short, animated, or live-action films that help your corporation instruct others in a concise much more interesting style on the complex concepts, processes, products, or services that it provides to society. 

To reach your clients you need to know exactly what they want to hear and marketing video gives you a great tool to speak in their heart and to hold their interest. You might wonder, do people watch these videos? Surprisingly yes. Statistics show that 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.


Key Features:

  • Simplifies complex corporate topics or processes into easy-to-understand pieces of information. 
  • Uses captivating visuals through animations, illustrations, or live-action footage.
  • Easy to share across corporate communication channels, making it accessible to everyone.

Social Media Video

Social media videos are eye-catching content specifically made for sharing on social media platforms. They promote your company’s brand, products, services, or initiatives. Social videos generate 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. That’s a huge impact, showing the power of social media videos.

Key Features:

  • Concise and engaging content designed to capture and keep viewers’ attention in the fast-paced world of social media.
  • Uses visually appealing elements such as vibrant colors and dynamic animations.
  • Adapts video length and format to fit the specific needs of each social media platform.

Corporate Social Responsibility Video

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) videos are made by companies to emphasize their commitment to ethical, environmental, and other social responsibility measures. 92% of consumers have a more positive image of a company that supports social or environmental issues. CSR videos can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation.

Key Features:

  • Presents the company’s CSR initiatives, projects, or partnerships.
  • Uses storytelling techniques to convey the company’s motivation and impact on society.
  • Partners with local charities, community partners, or other community stakeholders to promote the impact of a company’s CSR initiatives.

Recruitment Video:

Generally, a recruitment video is seen by job seekers as an opportunity to directly communicate with a potential employer. Job postings with videos receive 34% more applications. A recruitment video can be a game-changer in attracting the right talent to your organization. 

Key Features:

  • Introduces the company’s culture, values, and mission.
  • Highlights the workplace environment, facilities, and amenities.
  • Provides realistic previews of working at the company through day-in-the-life scenarios or behind-the-scenes footage. 

Promotional Video:

A corporate promotional video is a motion picture that is used for marketing video. It will present the product and service or achievements of a company to its new customers. A good video is a great way to generate interest, draw in customers, and build a profile and reputation at events, and 80% of marketers say that video has dramatically increased conversion rates on their landing pages. That’s the power of a great promo video.

Key Features:

  • Eye-catching visuals and cinematic storytelling methods hook viewers and keep them engaged. 
  • Shows the company’s key products, services, or solutions.
  • Includes branding elements, like logos, colors, and corporate identity, to strengthen brand recognition.

Testimonial Video:

Testimonial videos feature happy clients, partners, or employees sharing their positive experiences. They’re like word-of-mouth marketing but more polished. 72% of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business. Real-life success stories can be very persuasive. 

Key Features:

  • Testimonials penned by actual customers, partners, or staff, about a company – the kind of thing that is hard to fake.
  • Uses emotional storytelling techniques to show the impact of the company’s offerings.
  • Highlights experiences and benefits associated with the company in a positive light. 


How-To Video:

How-to videos are instructional guides designed to walk viewers through specific processes, tasks, or procedures related to your company’s products, services, or operations. Companies using video for training enjoy a 90% higher retention rate compared to traditional methods. How-to videos are a great way to empower and educate your audience.

Key Features:

  • Provides clear and structured step-by-step instructions for audience engagement.
  • Includes narration or on-screen text to cater to different learning preferences.
  • Optimized for various viewing platforms and devices to ensure compatibility and easy viewing. 


Internal Communication Video:

Internal communication videos are tools for sharing important messages, updates, announcements, or training materials within a company. Employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than read emails, documents, or web articles. Internal communication videos are a powerful way to keep your team informed and engaged.

Key Features:

  • Tailors content to specific employee groups or departments to ensure relevance.
  • Uses storytelling techniques to make corporate messages more personal and emotional.
  • Provides opportunities for employee feedback through comments, surveys, or discussion forums.


Financial Video:

Did you know that financial videos can bring up to 20% more investor engagement? Financial videos share information, insights, or analysis related to financial topics, markets, or investments. They help viewers make informed financial decisions. Clear, informative financial content can make complex topics easy to understand.

Key Features:

  • Presents financial data, trends, and analysis clearly and understandably. 
  • Covers various financial topics, including personal finance, investment strategies, and market updates.
  • Uses real-life examples to show the practical application of financial principles.


In today’s world, videos are essential for businesses to communicate, engage their audience, and build a strong brand. Corporate videos, from explainer videos that simplify complex ideas to promotional videos that boost sales, each serve a unique purpose and deliver results. Frame Makerzzz is proud to be a top ad, corporate, and animation video production company. We are committed to quality and innovation, ensuring every video we create meets the highest standards. 

Make Your Brand Stand Out – Partner with Frame Makerzzz for Exceptional Corporate Videos! By choosing Frame Makerzzz, you are partnering with a team dedicated to delivering exceptional corporate videos that help your business shine in today’s competitive market. Call us right now at +91 8879591461 or send us an email at

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Written by

Jayant Batra, Founder and Director of Framemakerzzz, the innovative animation and video production studio. He loves animation at heart, he has the expertise and experience of over 12 years in creating eye-appealing explainer videos. Beyond the world of animation, Jayant is an avid explorer, traversing vivid and new places. He enjoys blending his passion for innovation with the latest advancements in tech.

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